Tips For Low Interest Credit Cards
Low interest credit cards can save you considerably when you carry a balance. On larger balances, the difference between a high interest rate and low interest rate can cut payments and leave more money on hand each month, which you can then use for any purpose, or simply pay down your outstanding balances. It is easy to go to a site on the internet and compare annual percentage rates. In addition, many companies offer an introductory rate as low as 0% and some allow balance transfers from other cards. By making a careful side-by-side comparison of features and interest rates, you can benefit greatly. All it takes is a little time.
It is well worth checking out some of the low interest credit cards that are currently promoted online. You can browse the offerings, make comparisons, and choose a card that would be right for your needs. Then fill out a secure application and send it in for a quick response. A few good examples follow.
Capital One Platinum Prestige Credit is offering a 0% interest rate on balance transfers and new purchases through August 2012, and then a regular rate ranging from 10.9% to 11.9%. Excellent credit is required and there are other interesting perks as well.
Citi Platinum Select Visa offers 0% interest on balance transfers and purchases for 21 months and then a variable rate of 11.99%-20.99% depending on your credit history. The same numbers also apply to the Citi Platinum Select MasterCard and the Citi Diamond Preferred Card. All three offer Citi Identity Theft Solutions.
BankAmericard Power Rewards Visa Signature will give $50 cash back as a bonus after making at least $100.00 in purchases in the first 60 days. They offer 0% APR on purchases for 12 months and a variable APR of 12.99% to 20.99%. You can earn rewards points that can be redeemed starting when you reach $2500. You get 3 points for each $1.00 spent for gas, groceries or drugs for the first 6 months and 1 point for all other dollars purchased.
Those are just a few of the better low interest credit cards that are currently available to you. All require an excellent credit rating in order to qualify. By checking the internet you can find a low interest card that is right for you and will save you money. Please remember that the previous offers may no longer apply and be sure to check the company's website to verify current offerings over each individual company's secure website. You can then apply for your choice safely and securely over the internet.
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It is well worth checking out some of the low interest credit cards that are currently promoted online. You can browse the offerings, make comparisons, and choose a card that would be right for your needs. Then fill out a secure application and send it in for a quick response. A few good examples follow.
Capital One Platinum Prestige Credit is offering a 0% interest rate on balance transfers and new purchases through August 2012, and then a regular rate ranging from 10.9% to 11.9%. Excellent credit is required and there are other interesting perks as well.
Citi Platinum Select Visa offers 0% interest on balance transfers and purchases for 21 months and then a variable rate of 11.99%-20.99% depending on your credit history. The same numbers also apply to the Citi Platinum Select MasterCard and the Citi Diamond Preferred Card. All three offer Citi Identity Theft Solutions.
BankAmericard Power Rewards Visa Signature will give $50 cash back as a bonus after making at least $100.00 in purchases in the first 60 days. They offer 0% APR on purchases for 12 months and a variable APR of 12.99% to 20.99%. You can earn rewards points that can be redeemed starting when you reach $2500. You get 3 points for each $1.00 spent for gas, groceries or drugs for the first 6 months and 1 point for all other dollars purchased.
Those are just a few of the better low interest credit cards that are currently available to you. All require an excellent credit rating in order to qualify. By checking the internet you can find a low interest card that is right for you and will save you money. Please remember that the previous offers may no longer apply and be sure to check the company's website to verify current offerings over each individual company's secure website. You can then apply for your choice safely and securely over the internet.