Do I Need To Have A Credit Card While I'm In College?
I certainly do not believe that it's a good idea for every particular college student to get a credit card just because they could. If you are having this credit card for all the wrong motives then you are going to run yourself up a huge expenses that you are going to have a hard time paying out one day when that time comes. So if you thinking about having a bank card just to abuse it then you must steer clear of it at all costs.
But if you really need a bank card to assist you pay for some of your bills at school, and if you can utilize it to purchase books and supplies for school, then it certainly is a good idea to obtain a bank card like this. Just make sure that you don't go too far over your financial budget because you need to remember that you are going to have to pay out this money back sometime and it's going to take place eventually.
Just make it a point to try and be careful with this credit card and do not use under the assumption that the bank has given you free cash. You're going to be paying out interest on this funds, so you certainly have to look at this from an adult's perspective because you don't wish to get caught up with a bill that you are never going to be able to pay back.
They can come in very handy if the student is responsible, but they also have the potential to be extremely dangerous if the student is still childish and irresponsible. So be careful with these bank cards because they can cause you a lot of problems if you aren't being responsible.